I know the Holmes lampoon you speak of, but I also can't place it! And I love the communities bit -- I've been thinking about volunteer work, and the invisible quiet bonds that are often much more valuable in such work than Big Headline Investments. It's part of a conversation I've been having about process vs. goal-oriented work.

I read the bit of the screwball comedy piece I could, and was delighted :) And I am about halfway through Wicked Problems! Reading three chapters a day, and enjoying it very much.

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The Holmes lampoon sounds a lot like Samuel Vimes' distrust of clues from Feet of Clay.

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It does! This predates Feet of Clay—it's loosely contemporary with the Holmes stories and features Holmes himself, I first read it in the back matter of a Sherlock Holmes collection I had as a kid. But the Feet of Clay section sparked good memories when I read it for the first time.

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